About the Fire of July 29, 2018

What happened?

In the early morning hours of Sunday, July 29 fire broke out at Meadowbrook Waldorf School in Richmond, Rhode Island. The fire was caused by a lightning strike that also destroyed the electrical and telephone systems needed to activate the alarm and emergency response. Despite the efforts of  250 fire fighters from 22 towns, the building was declared a total loss and the remains were demolished.

Was anybody hurt?

We are thankful that nobody was in the building at the time of the fire. Three firefighters were taken to the hospital during the incident, one needed extended treatment for a condition not directly related to the fire, but all made a full recovery.  We are so grateful to all who responded to the emergency call for their acts of bravery and their dogged determination to bring the blaze under control.

Did Meadowbrook Waldorf School have fire protection systems?

Yes. The MWS building was constructed in 2006/7 with all of the fire protection systems required by the RI State building code.  The Fire Marshall inspected the building annually  in accordance with RI Department of Education requirements and consulted with MWS throughout the year.

Will the school remain open?

Yes! On September 4th, we welcomed our students back for another year of Waldorf education in a temporary space. Our programs for 145 children in nursery through grade eight are accredited by the Association of Waldorf School of North America (AWSNA) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). We also offer classes for younger children and their caregivers. From our play based pre-school classes, through the building of creative thinking skills in the elementary grades, to the rigorous academics of middle school we will continue to foster love of learning in our specially prepared home away from home.

We have signed a one year lease with the Town of South Kingstown, with an option to extend for a further year, to use a former public school building on South Road in South Kingston. MWS teachers see these unexpected circumstances as an opportunity for the students, with teachable moments about resilience and the value of community.

Was the school insured?

Yes. Thankfully the school was insured for the cost of replacing the building that was lost. However, we had recognized before the fire that the building was too small for our growing community and some improvements were needed to meet the needs of the children. Planning for the expansion, and the fundraising campaign needed to pay for it, had already begun before the fire. These plans have been revised and are now included in Meadowbrook Rising: The Campaign to Rebuild Our School.

How is Meadowbrook Waldorf School funded?

MWS is an independent school and receives no federal funding.  MWS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that strives to make Waldorf education as affordable as possible to those who seek it. We offer a Tuition Adjustment program that allows a generous sliding scale for families of various economic situations.  While tuition covers a portion of the operating costs, the school relies on fundraising to balance its annual budget.

How has MWS community responded to the devastating loss?

Our school has a long history and has touched many lives. Before the ashes had cooled, current and former parents and teachers came together to reflect and immediately set to work. Volunteerism is at the heart of MWS community life. A team of current and alumni parents made 40 baskets with home baked treats and jelly, fresh picked fruit and flowers and Thank You cards from the students and delivered them to the emergency response crews that attended to the fire.

In a matter of days, a network of volunteer teams was put in place to manage tasks ranging from sourcing furniture donations and coordinating deliveries, to creating class libraries and stitching felt crowns for the nursery children’s dressing up box. Our extended families are using their businesses and connection to organize fundraising events on behalf of MWS. All of us at MWS are filled with gratitude for the outpouring of help and support we have received from our local community and friends around the world.

What is needed, how can I help?

We are enormously grateful for the many donations of goods and services we received to help reopen the school. We are now fundraising for the new building and to assure that, during the rebuilding process, we can continue to deliver the high-quality Waldorf education our families have come to expect while keeping tuition as affordable as possible. In addition, it will allow us to continue to prioritize the well-being of our Faculty and Staff. To be successful, we must raise $1.75 million.

  1. Online donations can be made through our GoFundMe page at:https://www.gofundme.com/8wxzy-rebuilding-our-school

    GoFundMe asks that you pay a ‘tip’ for their services in addition to your donation. Their suggestion is 15% but you may select an alternate amount in a drop down dialogue box. If you prefer to give to MWS online without signing up for GoFundMe, you may do so through the MWS website: http://www.meadowbrookschool.com/online-giving

    The cost to MWS from donating via GoFundMe or the MWS website is the same and consists only of the credit card companies’ charges.

  2. Physical checks are welcome and can be added to the GoFundMe page at no charge. These gifts will be posted as ‘anonymous’ unless you note that you prefer your name be shown. In that case you may also add a dedication to show with your name and gift.

    Please mail checks via USPS to:

    Meadowbrook Waldorf School
    300 Kingstown Road
    West Kingston, RI 02892

  3. For giving from an IRA or other investment vehicle, or for employer matching gifts, please contact MWS Development Coordinator, Beth Riungu development@meadowbrookschool.com

Is my donation tax deductible?

Meadowbrook Waldorf School is a 501(c)3 so your donation may be tax deductible.  A receipt letter will be issued for all monetary gifts received with the donor name and a physical address. The Meadowbrook Waldorf School federal tax identity numberis 05-0383653 and our organization is listed as Meadowbrook Waldorf Association.

When will the school be rebuilt?

Work has begun and we are pursuing an aggressive time line. If all goes well, we will begin swinging hammers early in 2019 and return the children to their woodland home in January of 2020.

Further Questions?

Contact Beth Riungu development@meadowbrookschool.com

July 29 Honor Roll

Scott W.  Barber, Chief of the Richmond-Carolina Fire District in the Town of Richmond, listed the fire departments that responded to the Meadowbrook Waldorf School Fire as well as EMS departments. He said that this was a historic and overwhelming response to a tragic loss for the community.


Hot meals were donated and delivered to the emergency responders by K&S Pizza, Kingstown Pizza, Town Pizza II and Alaina’s Ale House.

We are grateful to you all. In any case of error or omission in these lists, please accept our apologies and send corrections to Beth Riungu development@meadowbrookschool.com