Classroom Insights

At Nine Years Old

On a golden, play-filled, end of summer day my daughter turned nine. Packing the picnic things ready for home I became aware of her running at the edge of the park. A game of hide and seek I think, her lengthening shadow flitting between the trees. The still green leaves seem to hold their breath, reminded by early evening's crimson tones that a change of season is at hand. I feel it too.

Swinging for the Outfield: an introduction to the nine year change.

Parents at Waldorf schools hear much about the Nine Year Change, a distinct developmental change characterized by the child’s more realistic or critical outlook as he begins to move away from the dreamy world of early childhood. The growing consciousness of being an individual, present in the world yet separate from it can be unsettling.

Leading Children Back to the Future in the Waldorf Classroom

This piece was written by Jack Petrash, a respected author and highly entertaining speaker on Waldorf education. Petrash founded the Nova Institute as a resource and support for those seeking to use Waldorf methods in public and mainstream settings. He is currently in grade 5 of his fourth go-around as a class teacher at the Washington Waldorf School, MD.

The Wisdom of Play Based Learning

The HighScope Educational Research Foundation of Ypsilanti, MI recently published the results of its longitudinal study, the HighScope Preschool Comparison Study. HighScope followed the lives of 68 young people born into poverty from ages 3 and 4.

In Good Arms; a parent reflects on opening day.

Teri has been a Meadowbrook parent for six years. Here she reflects on her own transition as her daughter joins first grade. The beautiful photos are by Monica Rodgers, another MWS parent.

Who is the Waldorf Teacher?

The Waldorf ideal is that the class teacher will stay with the class from grade one through grade eight. Waldorf education holds the child at its center. Concerned with educating the whole human being, the creation of a familial environment within the class with a consistent, authoritative voice is fundamental to providing the secure setting necessary for students to explore and unfold their life's purpose.